It was Sunday morning and I was about to go for an Adventure trail to Tamhini Ghats. This trip was arranged by Muktangan exploratory science centre, Pune in relation with Dhavalgiri adventures.
I reached at Muktangan at 6:30 a.m as per the reporting time. Std 5,6,7 and 8 were going to come for this Adventure trail. we were divided into six groups - A,B,C,D,E and F. I was in the B group. Our teachers of Muktangan were accompanying us. we entered in the bus and started our journey at 8:30 in the morning. After half an our we stopped to have our breakfast, they had given us Poha to eat, I finished my breakfast as soon as possible and went outside the restaurant to roam around, around the restaurant their was a lot of greenery and a variety of Flowers. soon, all the six groups came out and we continued our journey. In the bus, we were playing atlas, but after some time they started playing antakshari and I started looking outside as I do not like music at all. As I was looking outside, I saw there many farms full with greenery and different types of flowers and domestic animals like buffaloes and cows. One of the cow was injured and the farmer was not bothered at all, I felt very sad for that cow. We went further and I saw that there was a plateau and at the end I saw there was village. went further and I saw a huge lake called as Mulshi lake, it was very huge
After that we went to another plateau, there we were about to take a group photo, suddenly a boy found a crab, one of the sir was holding the crab. All of us were shocked. After that we took a group photo and went further. We reached a stream, our shoes had became wet after going through that stream and some strange voice were coming while walking. We went ahead and saw a place full full of greenery. A boy found a even bigger crab than before. Our sir picked it up as well. We went ahead and saw another stream, the water was reaching till our knees while crossing it and the water was very cold and moreover the waterfall was very close to it, but we did not went near the water fall, the head person told us that we will go their while the return journey. So we went ahead it was again a small stream. further, their was again a slippery way and we again went to a place full of greenery. There was tremendous greenery here.

We went further and reached Tamhini Ghats, the road was narrow so we went further with a small bus and reached Vinzai temple and from there we started our walking journey.

We started our main journey through a village and then went to a mountain range. It was very slippery while walking and we all were falling many a times. Our group leaders were helping us whenever it was slippery rock or place. After facing many difficulties, we reached at our first break time. Their the head person told us that we had only finished 1/10 of our journey. We all got shocked to hear this, all of us were very tired after walking. During the break the head person told us that we were standing on a plateau, I looked around, it was very beautiful and full of greenery. The break was over and we continued our journey. We went through a wet muddy patch, most of us fell there. Further we saw a dam continued from the Mulshi lake called as Mulshi dam.

We went ahead and entered in a forest called as the Bamboo forest, it looked like wild animals would come and just grab us all, but their did not lived any wild animals, but their were a lot of crabs, I did not saw any but their could be snakes. It looked dangerous.
We went ahead and stopped for rest of the people to come as we 8 to 9 students and one of the group leader was ahead of all. All the others came after some time and we went ahead and finally after facing many difficulties we were at the top. It was complete whited out due to clouds. We had our lunch and stayed their for some time. It was a really cold place and moreover we all were very wet due to the rain, but still we all were having fun. We had started our walking journey at 10:45 a.m and reached at the top approximately at 3 p.m and I started seeing the views around and it was very blur but it was place filled with greenery.
It was finally time to go down. We went through the same road and reached to the stream near the waterfall and started playing, we all were enjoying throwing water on each other. Every one had became completely wet and the water was reaching till our thighs, many boys were lying in the water. We all had a lot of fun.

We went further by the same road and after a journey of approximately three hours,we reached at the Vinzai temple. The small bus took us through the narrow street and went inside our big bus. we headed back to Muktangan. It was a really amazing journey. I would really like to visit there again. I think that all must visit to Tamhini ghats atleast once in a life time. I really enjoyed this journey a lot.